duminică, 17 martie 2013

Korean drama Ijilmae 2008 quotes

Korean drama Ijilmae 2008 quotes

Ep 1 – There are many types of pretty flowers, but why do you only like titi flower? / Because it looks like cherry blossoms, but not as glamorous like cherry blossoms. It looks like jasmine, but not as pitiful like jasmine. That's why I like it. It is representing the righteous mankind and because of that in my eyes titi are the prettiest of all flowers.
The birds are returning home, I guess the spring is coming.
It is those people such as you, My lord, that mess up the class system. / Class system? Young master, the aristocrats have to act like aristocrats, so you could live up to being an aristocrat, then you could be a young master. … / Where you under the impression that all aristocrats are created equal?
Live anonymously, do you feel that much freedom? / Being a free agent has its own enjoyments. / That's right, in the current political climate I really admire the anonymous way that you are living. / Because the political road is a tough journey.
You are my treasure. A treasure that is second to none.
What do you think a sword means? There are 2 categories of swords: one category is specialized in killing people; by contrast, the other is a tool used to save people. i hope you won't have to touch a sword for your entire life. But if all else failed and you have to touch a sword, it will be a sword for this world. It will be a sword to rescue people.

Ep 2 – I heard that they will cut the criminal dead body into pieces. (This is a quartering punishment; the dead body will then be soaked with salt and spread everywhere.)
Have you heard of the saying: 'Nothing couldn't be cured when sleeping with a young girl'?
You bastard, is your mouth only used to argue with your father?
Do you want to replace that phoenix with this wild chicken? [between 2 women]
If my father is not a woman then was I born by the moon's energy?

Ep 5 – Between parents and children, there're no need to say 'thank you'.
There's a saying 'when it's meal time, even a dog must be left alone'.

Ep 6 – You guys haven't seen the scenario of 'poring oil into the burning flame', have you?

Ep 7 – To catch a fish, you need to prepare the bait.
Is immorality also a disease?
Is committing adultery a big crime? / The man and the woman exchange their feelings, why does it seem to be a crime?
Flirtation is also one type of disease?
A bear performs the act, a human collects the money, right? ... Using money to buy position took away all your efforts and passed as a first scholar. Barely passing the exam ... is much better than using money to buy first place scholar title.
Bad people also have their own rules and regulations.

Ep 8 – Wall-climbing doesn't solely depend on strength but rather vital elements… You have to be at a distance from the wall, not too close. When running, look at the wall, then be concentrated. I am now not a human being, but a bird. Hold it tight! Use the front claws to climb up and then push by the hind legs. Use two hands to strongly grab the wall, then place one leg over. Do you feel like floating? … You have successfully climbed up. Get down now! … Gosh, this silly boy, why did you get down like that? When going down, your feet have to touch the ground first so that your knees don't get injured. Your current posture is as same as taking a dump. It's a posture when you want to take a dump. It's not a pre-pooping posture. But it is a pooping posture. Your legs have to be in the relaxed and gentle stage. A thief's movement is like a ghost's movement. Amateurish burglars will make sounds. But a professional burglar will absolutely make no sound. That's why guards specializing in capturing burglars must have the most sensitive ears. … No, no, moving like you would take forever to either steal things or escape. A burglar must absolutely not move with his entire foot. No matter how fast you run, you will make no sounds. It is all due to modus operandi. The secret of this modus operandi lies here [in foot]. If you use either forefoot or rear-foot, no matter how careful you are, you will make sounds. Thus, you have to practice to let neither your forefoot nor rear-foot touch the ground. Unlocking must be done within half an hour. Unlocking isn't that easy. You didn't even look who made the lock… Make your hands as sensitive as the insects' antennas. In every lock, there's always a cleavage to insert the key. The key will be unmovable once it gets there.      
There's nothing better than this private wealth (private wealth is a wealth illegally taken to use for political purposes).
What is the use of the splendid appearance? Its good internal structure is more important. [about a construction]
How could people climb pass the bulwark and steal wall?
A man can't let his image ruined, so don't cry!
Nothing is better that trout and eel in the month of March.
Hey, claiming for injustice is allowed by the country's law. / Has this country ever been compliant with the law before?

Ep 9According to the laws, all commoners are allowed to participate in the exam, but have you seen any commoner passing the exam?

iljimae = a titis brach
The story of the Ijilmae [tree] – She: I heard that bird has a very sad story. But, in the end, I didn't get to hear the story. / He: Could I tell you that story? Once, there was a chef who had a very beautiful fiancée. But near the wedding day, his fiancée passed away. That chef sat in front of her grave every day, grieving her, his deceased fiancée. One day, a titis tree grew next to her grave. The chef considered the tree as the spirit of his deceased fiancée, so he took very good care of the tree. As the tree grew taller, the chef was growing older as times went by, he started to feel worried. ‘If I die, who will take care of the titis tree?’ Suddenly, one day he disappeared.

These eyes are your life. In Joseon, how could there be another pair of eyes as beautiful as yours. Your eyes are like a national wonder. This set of national eyes … not understanding the implication, but talking nonsense.   

Ep 10 – Just changing eyebrows can make a person look completely different.
You'll turn into a real beggar if you continue to live among them.

Ep 11 – Saying and doing are two different things.
There's no treasure more valuable than human life.
Righteous burglars is used to name those who steal money from corrupted officials, then give it to the poor.
Strength is the most important thing to a man.

Ep 12 – Only people who was once stolen consider others as thieves. This life is all about when dog wins, so horse loses. Don't live like a dog, only barking for the whole day. 
There is no use of raising a child.
This spoilt girl, I find it unbeneficial to have raised you.
In this life, there is nothing such as a free lunch.
A karma has been made.
You've loaded water, chopped firewood and cleaned the house for the pass few days. If they aren't the basic training, then what are they? Be able to dodge the rag and coming wooden-sword. It means that you've known half of swordplay. / … Your opponent isn't a dump ass. Your opponent can be very fast. / … Your sword is used to stop your opponent's sword. There are 9 ways to attack with a sword. No matter how fast or beautiful the swordplay is, it always comes from one of these 9 techniques. As long as you can withstand these 9 techniques, doesn't matter whom you fight with, you would never lose. Wave from the top to bottom, wave scantly, wave obliquely.
Wooden sword is like a toy for kids.
Live for image, die for image.      
You can't use sword to hurt people. 
What is the righteous thing? A person who only kills people is not a righteous man. i don't know what you think righteousness is, but the moment that you kill people both the righteousness and craziness are no longer exist. It means that you'll be as same as other people.
Ep 13 – Quick, bring the salt here. The evil spirit has come into our inn.
One strike, one kill. Make your opponent unable to dodge or defend himself.
Don't kill anyone, but to save yourself and to save lives, attack the opponent 
Don't let your opponent find out the direction your arrows come from. So that your opponents can't find out your location.
You called me master, didn't you? You called me ajusshi again once you've finished studying?
In this world there are two kinds of swords: one type is used to kill people; in contrast, the other one is used to save mankind. I hope you won't have to hold a sword in your lifetime. However, if it can't be helped, you could only use swords for this world's safety and to save people.
Although the sword has no blade, it still can kill people if you intend to. Killing people is not up to the weapons. It's up to the human heart.
In human life one person's gain is another's loss (Dogs win as horses lose).
Those who say ‘let's wait and see’ are not really worthy rivals.
People always say 'Seeing is believing'.
Please tell the person who killed our daughter to apologize to us. He just need to say 'I was wrong'. Then our daughter could avoid becoming a homeless soul and could rest in peace.
Even angry earth worms would rise up to rebel if they could. It's better to die than to retreat, isn't that right?

Ep 14 – There is an old saying like this; 'people living on clothes …'.
Dried horse dung is very combustible. It catches the fire easily and vigorously. But the wet horse dung is horribly stinky, but incombustible. Dried horse dung can be used to make busters.
So wicked! Your wife has left so you can't stand the love scenes of the others?!

Ep 15 – Didn't you know that you caught the hind leg of a cow? / Did you mean that if the cow looked at its hind leg, it would catch a big mouse? {Ha--ha}

Ep 16 – From past to present, every man has his own self-protection secret.
No matter what you learn, you'll learn faster in an urgent situation.

Ep 17 – Eat the mother bird, then gobble up its nest eggs.

Ep 18 – From past to present, every man should acquire an occupation.
A warrior should never be hot-tempered.
A fighter [warrior] is not allowed to have hot blood.

Ep 20I thought you were a person of great character, but you're just someone who swings his sword recklessly. There is no need to abide by any principles with someone who is less than a dog.